Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Contoh Surat Full Block Style

Jalan Panglima Polim Jakarta
No. Phone (021) 91994067

Date : 13 April 2008
No letter : 01315/A1/LL/Vl/2008
Attachments : 1 sheet containing the composition of events
Page : Exhibition Balinese Gamelan in the Framework of Education Day 2008

Yth. Head of elementary, junior high, high school Abdi Karya Foundation
in Serpong, Banten

We submit that in the framework of the National Education Day on May 2, 2007 will be held the award ceremony to the Office of Ministry of Education Archives National Archives at the Head Office Ministry of National Education Jalan Panglima Polim Jakarta, followed by a performance art event.

With regard to the event, we expect participation in art events referred to by displaying the Balinese gamelan. Rehearsal will be held on Monday, May 30, 2008, at 08.30 pm.

Thus we submit. The participation of Mr / Madam, we thank.

Chairman of the Section Flag Ceremony,
Protocol and Pilgrimage
Education Day 2008

Rizki Indra Pratama, SE


Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Sample Letter of Formal

231 Blackmore Street
New York, NY 2011, USA

14th May, 1993
Ref : DT / NN / 12

Messrs. Johnson Smith
Carlson Ltd
16 Fifth Arenue Street
105 Angeles, LA

Dear Sir,

We have to remind you that your account for television ordered on 12 February has not yet been paid. disconnect cannot be avosed.

A copy of the statement is enclosed, and we shal be gladto receive your cheque by refurn.

You will remember that we went to some trauble to meet your delivert date, and we are sure that you would not wish to inconvenience us by delaying you paiment.

Yours Faithfully,

Jonathan R. Smith
Combridge Electronic Corporation